Message from Principal

Nilphamari Government College is a leading College in the District of Nilphamari. So we the stakeholders of the college should do something leading over all education institutions in this District and fortunately we did it. We opened our Website, installed a server and launched College Management Information System using our own server. The ultimate sense of automation is penless and paperless management system. I am happy to know that the accounts system, students database, teachers payroll etc. are almost penless and paperless. We are also stepping towards making printless automation system.

I give thanks to the honorable principal who helped to a great extent and it became possible for her moral and administrative support. I also thank to my colleagues and other employees who involved to make it successful.

I hope the students and other beneficiaries will get dynamic and prompt service than before.

Professor Md. Mahbubur Rahman Bhuiya
Nilphamari Government College